
The Grainger Engineering Library Information Center receives most ANSI-approved standards in print format. Standards written by cooperating organizations and adopted by ANSI are shelved by ANSI/xxxx, where xxxx is cooperating organization. Regular ANSI standards are shelved in alpha-numeric order.

The following organizations' standards are shelved separately:

AASHTO American Association of Safety Highway and Transportation Officials
ASABE American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials. Last 2 years located in Standards Area.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers. For more information about standards and more, click here.

Other Resources

ISO International Standards Organization. We order these through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) from Chicago Public Library or Illinois State Library. The 9000 Forum is also available on the ISO homepage.
STINET Scientific and Technical Information Network - Public STINET gives you access to all unclassified, unlimited citations to documents added into DTIC from late December 1974 to present. This includes some full-text access to specifications and standards, mainly for those from 1998 and later.
British Standards (BSI) Available through Inter-Library Loan (ILL) from Chicago Public Library
Department of Defense (DOD) Standards and Handbooks Available at Construction Engineering Research Lab (CERL), Army Corps of Engineers
Federal and Consensus Standards OSHA/Federal: CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) title 29, part 1910
Consumer Products Safety Code: CFR title 16 in Documents or Law Library
Index to Industry Standards At the West Wing on the 2nd Floor